The Costco Carnival Banquet, hosted by Costco Saskatoon, was a spectacular event filled with fun, food, and festivities. Held at the elegant Saskatoon Inn Hotel & Conference Centre, this carnival-themed banquet brought together employees and guests for an unforgettable evening of celebration. True North Photo Booth added an extra element of excitement to the event with their 2X6 custom photo strips against a dazzling red sequin backdrop. As attendees indulged in delicious cuisine and enjoyed carnival-inspired entertainment, True North Photo Booth provided a memorable way to capture the magic of the evening.
The atmosphere was electric as guests lined up to strike a pose and create personalized photo strips, reflecting the joy and camaraderie of the occasion. True North Photo Booth’s presence added a touch of glamour to the festivities, ensuring that every attendee left with cherished memories to treasure. The Costco Carnival Banquet was a resounding success, and True North Photo Booth was delighted to be part of the celebration, capturing moments of laughter and camaraderie that will be cherished for years to come.